News & Events
BHS Principal certified as LEED AP BD+C.
Allan Burt, Vice President of Building Science, has been certified as a LEED Accredited Profession – Building Design+Construction. The LEED AP BD+C credential provides a standard for professionals participating in the design and construction phases of high-performance, healthful, durable, affordable and environmentally sound commercial, institutional, and high-rise residential buildings. The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) created this specialty credential to denote practical knowledge of the Green Building Design + Construction LEED rating systems: LEED for New Construction, LEED for Schools and LEED for Core & Shell.
Medical Expertise Resurfaces as a Critical Component to Residential Mold Issues in New York
An April 1, 2012 article in The Wall Street Journal by Josh Barbanel entitled "Mold Claims for Damages Get New Life". The article, in part, states:
Four years ago, a key appellate court decision in Manhattan blocked millions of dollars in legal claims for damages for health effects of mold in buildings, saying that the scientific evidence that mold caused illness was in dispute.
But a few weeks ago that conclusion was overturned by a split 3-2 decision by another five-judge panel in the same court that found that the scientific literature was now "indicative of a causal relationship."
BHS' unique approach of combining "white coats and hard hats" on its incident response and litigation support team, has proven to be extremely efficient and cost-effective in resolving residential mold issues.
NAHB Releases Guidance for CDW in Single Family Residences
On March 16, 2010, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) held a teleconference at their national headquarters in Washington, DC to publicly release its guidance for corrosive drywall (CDW) in single family residences entitled Imported Problematic Drywall Identification Strategies and Remediation Guidelines.
Ed Light to Head AIHA Efforts on Chinese Drywall
Ed Light, CIH, of Building Dynamics, LLC, a nationally-recognized expert currently partnering with Building Health Sciences on its Chinese Drywall (CDW) initiative, has been appointed by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) to head that organization's efforts with respect to Chinese Drywall (CDW). The AIHA's CDW working group, under Ed Light's direction, will summarize the state of the science as well as recommend research needs and response actions. In addition, he is also arranging a Roundtable to be held at the Association's Denver Conference AIHce 2010 from May 22-27, 2010 which will update this rapidly evolving field.
Building Health Sciences Sponsors Chinese Drywall Conference
Building Health Sciences is pleased to announce its participation as a Program Sponsor of the Chinese Drywall Conference at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans on November 11, 2009.
The conference centers on various aspects of the emerging complexities of Chinese Drywall as viewed from different perspectives of insurance and litigation. This HB Litigation Conferences' line-up includes sessions such as "Home and Property: What Happens When Chinese Drywall Hits," "Chinese Drywall, the Numbers and its Impact on All Parties," "Important Coverage Considerations for Chinese Drywall Claims," and "Dealing with Chinese Drywall During an Insolvency."
Chinese Drywall Myths & Facts – The Science, The Building, The Liabilities
Building Health Science’s Dr. Barbara Manis and Allan Burt, MBA, with Jason E. Fisher, Esq. of Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd will present "Chinese Drywall Myths & Facts – The Science, The Building, The Liabilities" at the 2010 Community Associations Institute’s (CAI) College of Community Association Lawyers 2010 Law Seminar. This seminar will be held in Tucson, AZ on January 21-23, 2010. This session will focus on the three major components of the myths and facts surrounding Chinese Drywall.
Ed Light Co-Chairs ASTM Conference: Standardization of Mold Response Procedures
Ed Light, CIH, of Building Dynamics, LLC, a nationally-recognized expert currently partnering with Building Health Sciences on its Chinese Drywall initiative, is Co-Chair of the upcoming ASTM Johnson Conference: Standardization of Mold Response Procedures.
This conference, sponsored by ASTM Committee D22 on Air Quality, will be held July 13-15, 2009 at the University of Vermont. He is scheduled to make two presentations "Comparison of Mold Litigation Methodologies," and the "Validation of Visual Inspection, Air testing and ERMI."
Chinese Drywall - A Health-based Perspective
Barbara Manis, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Building Health Sciences, was the only medical doctor who presented at the HB Chinese Drywall Litigation Conference on June 18, 2009, in New Orleans, LA. Her discussion addressed the reported and potential health effects associated with the emissions thus far identified from imported drywall. Other presenters included attorneys, scientists and experts in the fields of engineering, building damage and property valuation.
Comprehensive Integrated Capabilities Focused on Chinese Drywall
Building Health Sciences and Building Dynamics, LLC, have recently formed an alliance to address Chinese Drywall assessment, mitigation and risk communication specifically related to Chinese Drywall. Ed Light, CIH, of Building Dynamics, LLC, is a nationally-recognized expert whose work has led to resolution of numerous building-related exposure problems, adding to BHS’ experience in the management of large scale environmental situations in which occupancy decisions have been major issues.
Dr. Manis to speak at the HB Litigation Conference on Chinese Drywall Litigation
Barbara Manis, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Building Health Sciences, has been selected as a Presenter at the HB Litigation Conference on Chinese Drywall Litigation in New Orleans on June 18, 2009. She is one member of a panel of experts who will discuss various perspectives and new developments on this emerging topic. Dr. Manis will speak to health effects, fundamental toxicology and occupant exposures to the sulfurous off-gassing of this building material. While the actual health dangers to humans have yet to be defined, she will speak to the merits of a scientific approach rather than an unscientific and emotional response. Read Dr. Manis’ article: Chinese Drywall – The Science and The Myths.