NAHB Releases Guidance for CDW in Single Family Residences
On March 16, 2010, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) held a teleconference at their national headquarters in Washington, DC to publicly release its guidance for corrosive drywall (CDW) in single family residences entitled Imported Problematic Drywall Identification Strategies and Remediation Guidelines.
The document was prepared by Marsh Risk Consulting and Buidling Health Sciences for the NAHB's Chinese Drywall Task Force. Participants in the webinar included NAHB First Vice Chairman Barry Rutenberg, Katherine Cahill, Global Managing Director - Marsh, and Barbara Manis, MD, Vice President - Health Sciences at BHS. The release of the Guidelines is the culmination of 18 months of research. It includes comprehensive guidance and recommendations on the science and health effects of problem drywall as well as inspection, remediation and clearance.
BHS is actively involved nationally in issues associated with imported problematic drywall and regularly serves as environmental professionals and consultants on all aspects of problematic drywall installations including air corrosivity clearance.