Health-Based Incident Response & Mitigation Planning Strategies for the Project Team
Course Overview
This course is intended to provide the strategy map to craft an all inclusive health-based incident response mitigation program through a pre-incident preparedness plan. It will offer a comprehensive, viable and logical program for immediate translation of this strategy to operational and tactical implementation as an incident unfolds. It will introduce concepts, templates, forms and logs, various correspondence samples and procedures including customized algorithms outlining the step by step protocols for:
- Project Execution Guidelines
- Customer Care and Homeowner Scheduling
- Standard Home and Crawlspace Inspection
- Root Cause / Construction Defect Investigation
- Pre-Remediation Meeting with Homeowner
- Independent Medical Assessment
- Standard Crawlspace Remediation
- Health-based Custom Crawlspace and Occupied Remediation
- Homeowner Closure & Clearance
- Quarterly Inspections
- Enterprise Exit Strategy
- Financial Analysis and Cost Parameters
Specifically, the course will cross the academic lines of occupational and environmental medicine, construction defects, construction engineering, building science and the associated litigation. Format will employ lecture, discussion, case study examples, and photographs of conditions encountered, Powerpoint presentation, text and handouts. A full reference text will be provided for each student's use during the session with abridged handouts for retention.
Course Educational Objectives
- Why emergency preparedness is crucial to any successful mitigation strategy.
- Why health-based risk communication is critical to Risk Management.
- Insight into the unnecessary cost drivers associated with fungal contamination incident escalation.