Comprehensive Integrated Capabilities
Building Health Sciences (BHS) has exceptional experience and a unique perspective regarding indoor environments and the associated financial risks to building owners, insurance carriers, property managers, occupants and residents. Our team has seen nearly everything that can go wrong in the handling of indoor environmental incidents, having reviewed hundreds of problems, both in and out of litigation. This forms the basis of our managed response to your critical environmental incident and long-term enterprise risk management.
BHS is uniquely poised to resolve building-related occupant health concerns. We provide a comprehensive, focused, health-based, single source solution to critical indoor environmental issues that adversely affect building occupants as a result of building failures. We integrate our standalone capabilities of medical and building science experts. Our solution path combines the practice of occupational and environmental medicine with 45 years of "hands-on" construction experience, building diagnostics, moisture intrusion and construction defect investigations. BHS' unique and broadly integrated understanding of incident-driven risk communication and crisis management is unmatched by any group in the country.
Ultimately, our goal is to intelligently manage any situation with credibility and insure occupant health and safety. We want to keep those with risk management responsibility from doing too much or too little in response to occupant fear; each of which can lead to disastrous financial consequences regardless of the severity of the incident or quality of the delivered solution.